Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Minis

Every miniature game has one thing in common: the miniatures (duh!). Just about every game you can think of has it's own line of minis, and is part of what draws people to get into their game. Usually, the cooler the models look, the more people it bring into the game.

Speaking of which, The BMG mini line is probably one of the best sculpt designs I have ever seen, and I've been planing miniature games for almost 20 years. If you haven't seen the minis yet, check out Knight Models' web site (link on the right). But since we're all lazy, i'll show a few here to wet your appetite.

This is the most recent Batman model, and man he looks bad-ass! This is based off of the Arkham Knight video game, so he's a little more heavily armored than usual. 

If your more into the traditional look, I suggest this version:

More retro-style, the Frank Miller Batman is still an awesome sculpt. I've never been a fan of the "outerwear" briefs on super heroes, even when it was in style, but this sculpt is still pretty awesome nonetheless.

For something different, lets look at Batman's on-again, off-again squeeze, Catwoman.

This version is again based off of the Arkham series games. Man, they do it justice. Just look at the detail in this sculpt. The line, the curves, the.......

Wait, where was I going with this? Nevermind. I'm sure you get the point. Moving on....

Now let's take a look at Batman's arch-rival, the Joker.

This is the latest sculpt of the Joker that just recently released, based off the Killing Joke story arc. This one gives me chills. He just projects the "I'm a psychotic murderer" vibe.

I could go on and on, but you get the jist. I don't think I've seen a single model in the BMG lineup that didn't look good, and most look outstanding.

So, the models looks awesome, right? Definitely better than some games I've seen and played. But there is one draw back to these awesome sculpts that you need to be made aware of.

With awesome sculpts, comes great frustration.

The assembly skill of these models definitely ranks up in the "expert" level difficulty. Some models get up into the "nightmare" levels. The main issue is the metal quality being used in the minis. The metal is very soft, softer that typical miniatures lines than what I'm used to at least (Reaper, Privateer Press, GW). This causes the model of have terrible mold lines, flash, and mis-molds. And most of this happens on the joints, making it extremely difficult to assemble. Now, this is nothing new to metal miniatures, but these models are some of the worst I've seen. I'm talking big chucks of flash that you better be good with an hobby knife to remove. Remember how I said the metal is soft? Well, it cuts very easy. And if you're not careful, you'll end up ruining the model. The bad part is that some of the older production runs actually used a stronger metal. I purchased a Gotham PD II blister on eBay, and the minis were very solid, sturdy, and little to no issues. But I could tell they were older productions, as the stat cards were an older design and didn't come with the new textured bases. They did have a little less detail, but nothing I could notice unless I had a magnifying glass.

Speaking of bases, I also have an issue with the newer bases the models come with. The more recent production runs come with a textured base. At first that seems pretty cool. It's not much, just some broken rocks/rubble. But this alone cause some minis not to fit on the base. Fortunately, I had some Warmachine bases I could use at the time, and will continue to use for another reason. These textured bases had a bunch of mold lines and flash. And I'm not talking the small nubs you get when your get bases from a sprue. I'm talking flash all the way around the base bottom and inside the base slot. That plus the models just not fighting properly made me give up and grab a different base. So unless you just can't afford it, save yourself some trouble and order some 30mm bases from Privateer Press and use those instead.

Anyway, that's my rant after cussing up a storm that would make a sailor blush while trying to assemble my Catwoman model last night. However, this shouldn't stop anyone from playing the game, as it is pretty awesome, but everyone should be aware of the challenges ahead.

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